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Providing Security Through Blankets

​Welcome to  the Westchester-Rockland Project Linus Website!

Our chapter of Project Linus aims to deliver new, handmade blankets, quilts and afghans to children in need in both Westchester and Rockland Counties. 

Please sign up for our monthly newsletter, come to one of our meeting, donate a blanket and give a little security to a child in crisis.


We are so excited to be featured in several outlets! With thanks to Nancy Phillips for her beautifully written story and Betsy Feeney for  her photographs, we have a great feature on what our chapter does.
The story can be found here:


Thank you letters received:

"Many thanks to you and all the other “blanketeers” from Project Linus who created the wonderful blankets you donated to United Hospice of Rockland.  The blankets will be a great source of comfort to grieving children who participate in our Healing Hearts bereavement program."


"I had my baby on November 11th. He had to go directly to the NICU. I couldn’t even see him. It was a wonderful but difficult experience. After some days in the hospital my baby and I were able to go home. The nurse gave me a Project Linus blanket which helped me take my baby warm and cozy back home. After that time at the hospital and seeing him at the incubator, having that blanket was very emotional. Every time I see it, it reminds me that there are nice loving people helping someone else that they don’t even know and that brings a smile to my face. Thank you!!!!!"


Thank you Walmart:

We are very grateful to Walmart in Suffern and Mohegan Sun for their generous grants to our chapter. The funds from these two stores will be used to purchase fabric for blankets-particularly fleece; many groups such as scouts, churches and more are interested in making blankets and we generate involvement when we can supply the fleece for no-sew blankets. We will also use the money for fabric and yarn, as well as batting and thread.


Thank you Lions Club White Plains:

We received, and appreciate, a generous donation from the White Plains Chapter of the Lions Club. This follows a donation from the New Rochelle chapter that was received in the spring.

Thank you Odd Fellow and Rebekah:

We received a very generous grant from Odd Fellow and Rebekah that will allow us to not only purchase yarn, fabrics, thread and more but also will lead to some great programs and fun blanket-making activities.  Right now we are in the planning process and hope to have good news soon. In the interim, we are open to suggestions – what would you like to see that will help you make more blankets, and will help us get new blanketeers?  Email us with your thoughts.


Thank you Orange and Rockland Utilities:

We are once again the recipients of a very generous grant from O&R to help us with our blanket-making activities. The funds will be used to buy batting, fabric, yarn and more, all with the goal of increasing the number of blankets our chapter makes and donates and at the same time increasing the number of blanketeers.  The grant will help fund materials for some of our events  and will ensure even more children in Rockland will feel the love and security of a blanket."


Upcoming Events


Westchester Meeting

Saturday, March 1

9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Rockland Meeting
Monday, February 3
Hotel Nyack
9:30 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.


Happy Quilting!


For more information about Project Linus, email


For more information please email us


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